Amazon FreeRTOS Workshop


Amazon Freertos workshop using the M5 StickC

View the Project on GitHub onsankawai/amazon-freertos-m5stickc-workshop

Create your AWS IoT Thing

Creating a thing requires 3 main steps:

  1. Create a thing for the device in IoT Core
  2. Create a certificate and attach it to the thing
  3. Create a Policy and attach it to the certificate

Create a thing for your IoT device in AWS IoT Core

Navigate to IoT Core to enter AWS IoT services IoT Core 0

Follow the below 3 steps to register your thing:

  1. Before you create a thing, please select the region. please select us-east-1
  2. To Create a thing, navigate to Manager → Things
  3. Click Create to start creation and registration of your device

IoT Core 1

If this is the very first time you create a device, the following page will appear, please click “Register a thing” to get started

IoT Core 2

In Creating AWS IoT Things page, choose “create single thing“

IoT Core 3

Input a device name of your choice and click “Next”

IoT Core 4

Create a certificate and attach it to the thing

Choose One-click certificate creation

IoT Core 5

If this is the first time you create a thing in AWS IoT, you may not have a policy for the thing. you can click “Register Thing” and attach policy later.

IoT Core 6

So let’s see exactly what was generated.

IoT Core 7

IoT Core 8

IoT Core 9

Note - Do not lose this zip file, it contains your private key file which cannot be retrieved again.

Create a Policy and attach it to the certificate

Next step we will create a policy to the certificate we’ve created in the previous step IoT Core 10 input the policy name and enter advanced mode to past the policies IoT Core 11 copy the following policy statement into the statements

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

copy the above policy statement and create IoT Core 12

After creation, in the IoT Core console, navigate to “Secure → Policies“ your policy should be there IoT Core 13

navigate to “Secure → CertificatesIoT Core 14

In the certificate page click “Actions → Attach policy”, IoT Core 15

Select policy and attach IoT Core 16

Now, check the polices of the certificate, and the policy you’ve added should be there IoT Core 17

Next Step

Compile the Amazon FreeRTOS workshop code